

Frequently asked questions about Taste & Discover Japan delivery services.

What about payment method?

You can make the payment by credit online (Visa, Master) , Cash-on-Delivery or payment in advance (by bank transfer)

I plan to trip to Hokkaido. Is it possible to get the bento on the spot?

Yes, we can ship the bento boxes to your lodging place (Only chilled bento). We will call for receiving bento boxes to the hotel.

I plan to trip from Tokyo to Hakone. Can I receive Bento boxes at Tokyo’s hotel in advance?

Yes, we can deliver the bento boxes to your lodging place (Only chilled bento). Then we will call for receiving bento boxes to the hotel.

Can I change my order after I place it?

Maybe. If you placed your order in the last five minutes, you can submit a change request. But fair warning – if the restaurant has already started working on your order, they may not be able to change it. The sooner you can let us know, the better off you’ll be.

What about credit card info?

Nobody sees any of it. Ever. The information is securely transmitted, and your monthly statement will reflect a charge from Taste & Discover Japan.

What about delivery fee?

Delivery fee depends on each restaurants. For more details, please refer to the restaurant information.